To request repayment of unclaimed funds, complete a claim form and include all required documentation. Please note that a separate claim form is required for each item.
- Obtain a claim form
- Download a form from the claim form menu on the left side of this page.
- Call the Customer Service Center to request a claim form by mail.
- Complete and sign the claim form.
- Notarize your claim form if the refund amount is greater than $1,000.
- Attach required documentation.
- Submit completed claim form(s) to our Customer Service Center no later than May 8, 2024, using one of the following methods:
FasTrak Customer Service Center
By Mail
Escheatment Claims
P.O. Box 26926
San Francisco, CA 94126
In personThe FasTrak Walk-In Center is located at 375 Beale Street, San Francisco and is available for in person transactions during regular business hours. Please be aware there are mandatory Covid protocols in place to access the center, including wearing a mask and completing a health questionnaire along with observing strict social distancing and building capacity limitations.
By fax415-974-6356
Online- Go to Email FasTrak.
- Click Web. When the drop-down box appears, select Unclaimed Funds.
- Fill in your details. Upload your signed claim form and required documentation.
- Click Submit.
Late claim
Claims are processed every spring. This year’s deadline to submit a claim is May 8, 2024. Claims received after May 8, 2024, must include a written explanation of the reason for the late filing. The Bay Area Toll Authority, acting in its sole discretion, will determine whether to accept the late claim.
Additional assistance
Have other questions?
- Visit our Frequently Asked Questions about unclaimed funds.
- If you are inquiring about the status of your claim, please allow approximately 60 days from the date submitted for processing and check issuance.
- If you are having trouble verifying the status of your claim or have a hardship, you may call the FasTrak Customer Service Center toll free at 877-229-8655, or go to Email FasTrak, click Web and, when the drop-down box appears, select Unclaimed Funds. You will need to provide the name that appears on the FasTrak unclaimed funds list and a brief statement of your inquiry.